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Fly Magnet Trap Kit (3 Pack)

Say Goodbye to Pesky Flies with Victor M380 Fly Magnet - The Ultimate 1-Quart Reusable Trap with Bait (3 Pack)!

- Easy to use: The trap is easy to set up and use. Simply add the bait, fill the trap with water, and hang it in the desired location. The trap is also easy to empty and clean, making it a hassle-free option for fly control.
- Large capacity: The Victor M380 Fly Magnet trap has a 1-quart capacity, which means that it can hold a large number of flies before it needs to be emptied. This makes it an ideal option for use in outdoor areas such as gardens, patios, and barns, where flies can be a major problem.

The Victor M380 Fly Magnet 1-Quart Reusable Trap with Bait (3 Pack) is a highly effective solution for getting rid of pesky flies. The trap is designed to attract and trap flies, keeping them away from your home or outdoor space. The bait included in the pack is made from a mixture of food and pheromones, which is irresistible to flies. The trap is reusable, making it a cost-effective and eco-friendly option for fly control. The 1-quart size of the trap allows it to capture a large number of flies before it needs to be emptied. With the Victor M380 Fly Magnet 1-Quart Reusable Trap with Bait (3 Pack), you can enjoy a fly-free environment without the use of harmful chemicals or pesticides.